Thursday, October 26, 2006

US Empire's Threat to Humanity

To understand and find this post correct requires some prior knowledge. The first task for the reader is to go to and read the whole essay. The second is to have a working understanding of the potential disaster posed by Global Heating, as James Lovelock calls it. For a very wide base of information combined with lively discussion, RealClimate is a place to start, even though there's a lot of info there, For those wanting the short version, here's Lovelock's disturbing essay, and here's James Hansen's,

Now, if you've done your homework, we can start.

Engdahl's analysis of the primaryUS Empire goal and strategy is correct as my own personal research has informed me; and most anyone with a brain can see the same evidence for global heating Hansen describes, and far more is available from other scientists. What is important is that most climatologists agree that we still have an opportunity to mitigate the worst effects of global heating, but the window is small and closing fast. All agree we can no longer afford anything close to business as usual--emissions must crash, not grow.

It's those last five words that any continuation of the US Imperial project will negate, and the world will roast and drown because of it, with billions dying. This is because US emissions are increasing, while the countries it's set on antagonizing--primarily Russia, but China too--will have no choice but to ramp-up their own industrial plant to meet the threat, thus increasing their emissions, overpowering any other attempts to power-down and drastically reduce emissions. And thus over the tipping points we go. With the Greenland ice sheet already showing signs of great instability, it will likely break apart rapidly before 2030 and cause 7m--23'--in sea level rise. Other positive feedback loops along with this sea level rise will cause the Antarctic ice sheets to melt by century's end. That's a total sea level rise of more than 70m--230'--not counting thermal expansion and other terrestial glacial melt . Note nothing's been said about the demise of the oceanic food web or the evaporation of glacial water sources for 2 billion asians, or other catastrophic effects.

The above is the real threat the US Empire poses to the world. It's not North Korean nukes or the Iranians wanting to harness the nuclear fuel cycle, or Islamists fighting neocolonialism. It's the US Imperial elite that wants to dominate the planet, as they've openly stated in several documents and just announced regarding outerspace,

The US public is mostly ignorant of this, while a portion of the world is not. In this respect, the US elite are no different from the Nazis, but far more dangerous. I know my blog is read by very few; and as soon as I click post, the NSA will know that I know that they know. Maybe the officer there reading this will remember the oath s/he took to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and draw the proper conclusion. There's no victory, only defeat for all; thinking themselves immune, even the elites will lose. To be sure, power-down and no more business as usual will be painful, but at least we'll have a chance at overcoming the future we seem destined to experience.

An excerpt from an interview where Chomsky assesses the role of intellectuals and explains why we do what we do:

Ex: What is the role of the intellectual when dealing with imperialism and are the intellectuals doing they job?
Ch: Unfortunately, intellectuals are doing their historic job. The historic role of intellectuals if you look, unfortunately, as far back as you go has been to support power systems and to justify their atrocities. ... If you go back to the Bible, there's a category of people who were called prophets, a translation of an obscure word, they were intellectuals, they were what we would call dissident intellectuals; criticising the evil king, giving geopolitical analysis, calling for the moral treatment of orphans, decent behaviour. They were dissident intellectuals. Were they treated well? They were [im]prisoned and driven into the dessert [sic] and so on, they were the fringe. The people who were treated well were the ones who centuries later, like in the gospel, were called false prophets. So it goes through history. The actual role of the intellectual has been supportive of power. Should they do that? Of course not; they should be searching for truth, they should be honest, they should be supporting freedom and justice and there are some who do it. There is a fringe who do it, but they're not treated well. They are performing the task that intellectuals ought to perform."