Some are saying that the election promises unknowns, as in what will happen next.
What's the great unknown? There should be little question what the election result will mean: ever more murder, pillage and pollution--which is the US bipartisan approach to the world as history shows so well. A rollback of piratical trade policy started by FDR and Truman (or further back, by Teddy and Wilson)? Continued murder in the middle east, when supposed hawk turned dove Murtha was quoted (my paraphrase) as saying we invaded the wrong country; we should have done Iran ( ); and Murdoch shill Clinton is all for more war to show she's manly enough to be president. Then there're CO2 emissions, which establisment Democrats show no urgency in curtailing as they're just as beholden to big coal, oil and auto as Republicans. As for the enforcement of law and order by impeaching the whole Bush administration--for which there's massive evidence to convict--rolling back the tax breaks for the rich and draconian "patriot" act? Forget it. The establishment Democrats were all party to the Trilateral Commissions's recommendation that democracy be undermined as it presented a threat to their plutocrat interests.
The United States is a runaway rogue state out of the control of its citizens in all areas that matter most. I wish this were'nt true; but it's better to face the reality of a situation and react accordingly than to dwell on illusions and wishful thinking.
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